Our family took a trip to Houston for QuocThang wedding on 10/24/2009. It was a lot of fun. we didn't buy the ticket for QN so he sat in our laps for some of the legs. QN wears baby suits trong rat de thuong :) We stayed at nha Thao Luong. Gia dinh chu Bay doi su rat tot. QN got along with Phuong Mai & Minh Quang (con Thao Luong). QN duoc ong noi thuong lam. Noi vai chu Ba dau roi, Ba Tie^?u khi khg thay Ba around. Hoi Nam may tuo^?i, Nam tra? loi 2 tuo^?i Dam cuoi rat vui dai gia dinh hop mat. Chu, Thim Ut bay qua tu VN. Phuong Uyen, Trung va Noel bay qua tu Australia. Ba, anh Binh, gd QuocNam, Bang, Dung, Phu, di Nam, Trang & Vi deu di du. Dam cuoi rat dong (480 nguoi) va vui nhon vi nhom tre houston da ra tay phu giup. At 2 years checkup QuocNam measures as followed: Weight: 31 lbs, Heigth: 34.75 inch
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy Birthday 2 years old to QuocNam !
QuocNam turns 2 years old on 10/9/2009. He's really excited about it, running around and be friendly to everyone. Mom & Dad bought him cake, toy car and balloons. QuocNam loves cake and blowed the candle on his own. He nhay ca tu*ng trong rat vui :) QuocNam seems to understand more and saying words on his own (su*?a (doi bu'), gioi, ai do', be^', xuong, etc.
QuocNam visited his new pediatric on his birthday. Got 2 tubes of blood drawn...it was ok for the first time. Got a couple shots.
QuocNam visited his new pediatric on his birthday. Got 2 tubes of blood drawn...it was ok for the first time. Got a couple shots.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
QuocNam saying fews words, doing few tricks
QuocNam says a few words now: ba, Ba?o (yes, calling dad's name time after time), ai ddo', ma'y bay ha?, thank you. Most recently, he was able to say: daddy, i you (for i love you). that is so cool. He listens and follows directions well...such as: put shoes in the corner (even pickup and throw them right on until he gets it), turn TV on/off when requested...Dad can hold his hand and take him around. Cu Nam is getting more fun now. He knows a few tricks: thuong ba de tren dau (acctually put his hand on the head), mi gio', la`m xau (chu mo~), khoanh tay a. when seeing older people
Sunday, September 6, 2009
QuocNam got a full haircut!
We visitted Thuy's house in Dorchester for a cookout a couple weeks ago. Bac Mo^.c saw QN with the long hair in the hot summer and suggest he got a full haircut. QN was very well behaved during the cut session (he ngoi im re)...Only cried some when dad gave him a bath afterward. He used Arron's clothes for changing. So finally QN got a ho*'t cua for the first time.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
QuocNam enjoys some playtime with dad
Here are some clips of QN enjoy the game chichichanhchanh with dad. He laughed his guts out :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
QuocNam first trip to the beach in Hingham
On Sunday 7/19, Mom & Dad took QuocNam to the beach for the first time. The weather was good at 80F. QuocNam walked on the sand with reservation, he was afraid to get dirty. Ba then took QN to the water. He was a little scare at first, but after a couple waves hit him, he started to like it. QN laughed and jump with the waves. He really enjoyed it. It was late in the afternoon, and QN started to shriver and we decided to take it up and clean him. QN then played in the kid's playground, and then took a couple rounds of the carousel. Overall, QN had a good time. I took many pics and will post soon...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Visiting QN's grandparents in Pittsburgh July 2009
QN and family took the july 4th week of to visit grandparents. We first stopped in NJ to visit aunt Tram and stayed over the weekend. Left NJ for Pitts on Monday 6/30. The weather was so so for the week. QN had a chance to see bac Hai and had a great time. QN knows how to please everyone, the boy gave hands to grandpa for a kiss every morning. We visit a few places for kids: D&B, National Aviary. Trang & Vi stayed over for the summer in Pitts while learning the nail skills. QN was always funny, climbing up and down stairs and then open the screen door to go outside and watched grandpa exercise. He even tried to do it too...QN loves to play with the schoolbus and USPS cars...During the stay I saw more bonding between dad & son...
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Here are some pics taken in the trip |
Monday, May 18, 2009
QuocNam got haircut
On Sunday, QN got his haircut. Cau Duy cut it for him. He was calm at first, then when hair got to his face, he started to cry and fought back. Nhin rat toi nghiep, mui da~i tum lum...the more cuNam cried, the more hairs got stuck to his nose, and eyes, mouth...he tried to wipe it and rub his face onto dad. We had to stop a few times to clean his face.
Finally, when it's done, dad took QN to the bath and clean him up, then when laying cu Nam down to put the diaper on cu Nam was so tired that he went to sleep before putting his clothes on.
Ong ngoai noi cuNam looks nice with the haircut :)
Finally, when it's done, dad took QN to the bath and clean him up, then when laying cu Nam down to put the diaper on cu Nam was so tired that he went to sleep before putting his clothes on.
Ong ngoai noi cuNam looks nice with the haircut :)
QuocNam broke daddy's laptop
Today, was a disaster. In the morning, QN climbed onto the chair, and somehow got a cup of water next to dad's work laptop and spilled water onto it. Me felt that something was wrong when it became quiet when QN was out in the guess room. Mom went and saw cu Nam was on the floor and played with water. Water already got on the keyboard and around the laptop but mom didn't know it was damage. She clean the water off and called ba, but ba was sleeping and didn't know. Until ba went out a checked and saw the laptop shutdown. Ba tried to take battery, and other openning out and blow dry the parts for the whole morning. Tried doing it for a few time and it was unsuccessful. It was the worst things cu Nam did to dad so far :(
Dad wasn't happy and rejected cu Nam a few times when he came around.
When mom took cu Nam to the babysister, he looked sad in the van and even when meeting co Chau, usually he cried and doi me on Monday, but today he said nothing and looked sad...
Dad wasn't happy and rejected cu Nam a few times when he came around.
When mom took cu Nam to the babysister, he looked sad in the van and even when meeting co Chau, usually he cried and doi me on Monday, but today he said nothing and looked sad...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Visit Hanh nho? in New Hamshire
Today, we came to visit Hanh nho? in New Hamshire. Actually, it was Hanh's daughter first birthday.
We came around 4pm and there were still lot of food left. Gap Ha.nh and she said 2 cha con giong nhau nhu hinh voi bong.
Cu Nam was timid at first, but then he took himself down and was playful. There were many kids around and cu Nam seems to enjoyed it. He clapped hands and jumped in place when we sang happy birthday.
Cu Nam then climbed up and down the stair very fast with another kids. It was a little surprise to dad that he was so quick at this.
Cu Nam is getting jealous now...when dad picked up Hanh's daughter and held her, QN saw it and ran to dad and wanted to be picked up too, he cried do'i be^' do'...
We came around 4pm and there were still lot of food left. Gap Ha.nh and she said 2 cha con giong nhau nhu hinh voi bong.
Cu Nam was timid at first, but then he took himself down and was playful. There were many kids around and cu Nam seems to enjoyed it. He clapped hands and jumped in place when we sang happy birthday.
Cu Nam then climbed up and down the stair very fast with another kids. It was a little surprise to dad that he was so quick at this.
Cu Nam is getting jealous now...when dad picked up Hanh's daughter and held her, QN saw it and ran to dad and wanted to be picked up too, he cried do'i be^' do'...
Ba takes QuocNam to le Phat Dan
On Sunday 5/10, ba tooks QuocNam and mom to le Phat Da?n at chua Bo^` dde^`. We met Tri, Dan and QN had a chance to play with Dylan.
A lot of people with kids in the front yard, so we hung around talked to friends and enjoyed some do chay (bun bo` hue, che vien)...
Ba went in the temple and prayed for QN and family duoc ma.nh khoe?
Cu Nam liked to run around so dad had to watch him constantly. He was very quick on his moves now, so we can't keep our eyes away from him.
A lot of people with kids in the front yard, so we hung around talked to friends and enjoyed some do chay (bun bo` hue, che vien)...
Ba went in the temple and prayed for QN and family duoc ma.nh khoe?
Cu Nam liked to run around so dad had to watch him constantly. He was very quick on his moves now, so we can't keep our eyes away from him.
Friday, May 15, 2009
QuocNam at 19 months
QuocNam is cute to daddy. Ba pretends to cry, and QuocNam while holding the cracker to eat, he dropped it and climbed onto the bed, and a'p ma(.t xuo^'ng ma(.t ba, he then sit up and watch and ba cry again and QuocNam do^~ ba tie^p
QuocNam now knows to call mom (he^ he^) when he's hungry then run to the fridge and tap on it. Mom then get him milk and he's all set.
He loves to play hide & seek by running around the corner in the kitchen, then when get caught he laughed his lung out :)
On 19 mos, gia dinh di chup hi`nh at kidrus and it looks nice.
QuocNam now knows to call mom (he^ he^) when he's hungry then run to the fridge and tap on it. Mom then get him milk and he's all set.
He loves to play hide & seek by running around the corner in the kitchen, then when get caught he laughed his lung out :)
On 19 mos, gia dinh di chup hi`nh at kidrus and it looks nice.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
QuocNam doctor visit on May 4 2009
QuocNam is now measuring at: weight=26.9 lbs, height=33 in
He's on the average size in weight and a little above average in height for kids at his age.
We have to use the car seat facing forward now cuz his legs is now longer.
QN giận and now biết up mặt xuống đất QN thích nghe quảng cáo thuốc gián Bình Minh...Khi nghe quảng cáo này QN nhảy tưng tưng trông rất là funny
QN is very active now so we have to be careful when take him outside to shopping. He likes to run around a lọt.
QN loves to go out. Every time daddy says bye-bye, the kid drops everything and runs toward dad and raise arm to be picked up. He then waves hands and says bye to mom.
QuocNam at Jenny babyshower and Quincy Park
He's on the average size in weight and a little above average in height for kids at his age.
We have to use the car seat facing forward now cuz his legs is now longer.
QN giận and now biết up mặt xuống đất QN thích nghe quảng cáo thuốc gián Bình Minh...Khi nghe quảng cáo này QN nhảy tưng tưng trông rất là funny
QN is very active now so we have to be careful when take him outside to shopping. He likes to run around a lọt.
QN loves to go out. Every time daddy says bye-bye, the kid drops everything and runs toward dad and raise arm to be picked up. He then waves hands and says bye to mom.
QuocNam at Jenny babyshower and Quincy Park
Sunday, March 15, 2009
QuocNam has a few new tricks
QN can do a couple new tricks now. He biet da' long nheo when told by winking his eye lids. He also know to put the cha? lu.a in his mouth and then grab the sofa to climb up.
He now wants to feed himself with the spoon. I had to be careful when feeding him soup or hot stuff, or he could make a mess. QN biet noi thay ta? now...it's so funny.
Today, mom and dad took QN to the park near home for the first time. We put him on the swing, and dad & QN went down the slide. However, QN was more interest in walking up the grass slope by himself and felt a couple times, but he loves it and didn't want to go home.
He now wants to feed himself with the spoon. I had to be careful when feeding him soup or hot stuff, or he could make a mess. QN biet noi thay ta? now...it's so funny.
Today, mom and dad took QN to the park near home for the first time. We put him on the swing, and dad & QN went down the slide. However, QN was more interest in walking up the grass slope by himself and felt a couple times, but he loves it and didn't want to go home.
Monday, February 9, 2009
QN turns 16 months today
QN turns 16 months today. QN có thể được nhờ đem tả dơ đi bỏ thùng rác rồi . QN nói được vài chử giống như là thay tả vậy đó On Saturday, QN felt facing down and got a bloody nose. Mom and dad try to stop the bleeding and it got stuck with his bugga and it was moving in and out very funny look. Cu Nam loves to see the commercial thuoc da'n bi`nh minh from SBTN, every time he sees that's on, cu Nam starts to dung nha?y with the commercial. He also looks funny when trying to i. ddo'
Friday, February 6, 2009
QuocNam on tết Kỹ Sửu
QN and ba me. went to bà Năm ăn tết. QN được lì xì a lót of money, and ba mẹ put them in his con heo đất. Everyone gets one dish to the party and mom ordered ba'nh be`o. Everyone had a good time. QN knows how to tease Phu' little puppy named "Maggie". QN chased after Maggie, picking her tail then ran away and laughed.
QN can helps out a little bit. Cu ti' knows how to take the dirty diaper and put in the trash. First time, he threw it new the trash but now it's inside. So QN pha' thi` 10, and help thi` la` mot.
More pics from nha` bác Tuấn mùng hai tết Kỹ Sửu
QN can helps out a little bit. Cu ti' knows how to take the dirty diaper and put in the trash. First time, he threw it new the trash but now it's inside. So QN pha' thi` 10, and help thi` la` mot.
More pics from nha` bác Tuấn mùng hai tết Kỹ Sửu
Monday, January 19, 2009
Doctor visit at 15 months
QN had his 15 months visit with the doctor. He's measured at 30 1/2 inch and 25 lbs. He wore a cool shoes and the doc love it. He had his immunization that day but only cried a little bit.
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