Saturday, October 13, 2012

QuocNam 5th Birthday !!!

Mom and Dad is having a birthday party for QN at home. Dad was thinking about organizing it alot, about food and who to invite to come over. Mostly chu Bang and his friends (Nha, Nguyen, bac Sau, An and wife, etc.). We had family lunch first with ba Nam and uncle Phu coming at noon. Dad was decorating the deck with Thomas ribbons. Dad also bought baloon from iParty with a Mickey mouse who sings HAPPY BIRTHDAY song when tap on it (Dad thought it was interesting...). There were plenty of foods (lau, be thui, bo kho, com chien, mi xao, etc.). We also wrapped present bags for kid. One mishap was with the BD cake. When Dad picked it up at BJ, they asked for what was on it and Dad didn't know the details except it should have said HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Benjamin. They brought out a half sheet of cake with just that. But when Dad brought the cake home, Mom said it was supposed to be a Thomas cake with Happy 5 to Benjamin. What a coincident that messed up the cake. Overall I think QN was happy when everyone got together and sang happy birthay and let QN blows the candles. Dad took some video clips about it.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Join QuocNam at Apple picking today

Today Mom & Dad joined QN for a school field trip to go apple picking at a farm about half an hour from Boston. This is a voluteer activity to gain hours for Quincy Catholic Academy. It's a nice day for this field trip. We took lots of pictures for QN and his friends (Zachary, Ayden, Nathan, etc.) Went for a hay ride then picked some good apples (one bad per kid). The ride on the school bus remind me of some good old time (Dad felt like a kid again)... Last week, we went for a walk to get coffee at Starbucks. When going back toward the bank and dad hoi Nam: nha bank ban hot dogs fa?i khg? QN noi khg fa?i, nha bank ba'n tien (very cute). He was picking his pant (my bad I had it backward, so QN didn't like it) and dad hoi Nam mac i. fa?i khg...Nam lap tu*'c noi khg fa?i, and his diversion tactic was used...Ba hoi nha bank ba'n gi di ba to side track dad's concern

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Con giong tia

It's really funny...Hoi QN con giong ai, QN noi con giong tia QN rat thich ba take a bath with him...daddy just walk in the bathroom, thi Nam chay le. vo phong and drop his clothes very fast to go to the shower. QN got an ipad 2 from Dad and he really likes it...Mostly check out youtube for cars toon, tom and jerry, airplane, etc.

Join K-1 school for the first time

Quoc Nam started to go to K-1 school for the first time starting 9/4. QN likes it and didn't cry as some other kids did. Had a friend named Zachary and the teacher name is Ms. Dunn. QN wrote his name the first time with teacher help: Benjamin. It was graded as very good. QN also color an apple. Both piece of work are the first accomplishments in the very first school life. QN has to go to bed early now so he can wake up at 6:30am in the morning. Also get limit time to view you tube about 1/2 hour in the evening.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pittsburgh trip July 2012

Family vacation in July 2012 First stop in NJ to pickup Tram and BaoAn on Monday 7/2. BaoAn now talked alot, we asked Ba dau roi, BAn tra? lo*i "Ba di lam kiem tien nuoi con, mat tieu roi" Tuesday 7/3 AM: departed for Pitts...Stop at khoai M (that's what BAn called for McDonald) for play at Carslide's stop. After that when straight thru the mountain tunnel and all the kids were excited and said "do^". Got stuck for traffic on route 51 "non moving" for an hour and we decided to take another route...Thanks to the GPS. Arrived in the evening and enjoyed Pho*? do co^ Sau' na^'u. Wed 7/4: Visit Grandpa at the rehab center...very excited to see kids played around grandpa. Took some pics for memory. After that went to Wave Pool and QN was really enjoyed it. Soaked wet under the hot sun and played with the waves...he was a little scare though and need to hang on daddy. After that we went to Dinh's house (Qui's friend) for 4th of July party. It was fun to see alot of people in the lot with lots of food. There was fireworks lit up afterward. BAn was scare and wanted to go home. Thurs: Went to Chuck Cheese and had a good time there too. Took CC pics and play lots of game. QN now knew to take coins to go to the machine and play. Fri: Went to IdleWild (we called ai ddo*` wa`". There was a show of Thomas the Train and the kids enjoyed it. Took some pics with the cast members. Somehow we took a scary drive, and QN scared and yelled "everybody", he felt embarrassed and didn't want to hear back. Went to the Soak area and enjoyed water cannon splashed, big bucket dump, wave pool, and finally water side...this play was fun and QN went on the high slide. Sat: Went and bought king crab legs at Restaurant depot and there were a lot of meats in there. Sun: Visit Grandpa and said good bye. Grandma stayed back for a few months to take care of Grandpa. Thx to Bac Hai va co Sau' for taking care of us. It was funny that when we finally go back to CT, BAn still wanted to go with us. He sat in the van and refused to get out. When his mom tricked him to swap seat, and be^' him out of the van, he cried and fought back hard...Even when carried into the house, he ran out and being chased after by mom...thay cung de^ thuong thiet. This kid was quite a story teller.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

QN major milestone

Yes...QN da bat dau di poop khoang 2 tuan nay...tu dong keu me. con mac i. va go to the bathroom and poop easily. He goes regularly now and daddy made fun of QN by asking him to mac ta? di i. QN noi khong chi.u va noi di i. cau tieu. Lan dau tien QN tu*. di i. xong thi mung lam va goi ba va noi con i. cau tieu noi cho ba nam dzui...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hooray...QN made it in the bathroom

QuocNam has been bo'n for 3, 4 days we wanted to bo*m ddit, but QN was scare since the morning. We was waiting for a sometimes and see if he can do it. QN was reluctant to eat dinner QN had a little bowl of ba'nh canh, but then he threw up (probably he tried to push and caused him to vomit). At 9pm, we decided to take action...QN was real scare and ask me. deo bao tay lam gi do' and fought back hard. QN even volunteer to go to the bathroom and said me. oi* cho con di i. cau tieu...he then ran to the bathroom, pull down the undy and sat there. We waited for a little bit and when mom checked he felt asleep on the toilet bowl. Now, we had to do it. Me. noi QN oi, come in the room to put on vaseline...QN said yes...let's go...he was happy that only vaseline was applied...Mom was detracting him, while I took the thuoc bom dit...while putting on the vaseline, Mom felt it very hard in there, and then we quickly put the thuoc inside...QuocNam kicked and fought back hard, but we had to control it. After putting the medication, dad carried QN to the bathroom and sat him on the toilet. We waited for about 5 min. then QN o*i con i. roi...we went and checked and saw a big one at the bottom. QN said, con gioi, con la`m Ba Nam dzui...Mom and Dad was real happy as today QN was able to force it out in the toilet.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tough time for going number 2

QN had a tough time to go to ị.

Over 2 days without going to the bathroom (for #2). so we decided to bơm đít QN. QN rất sợ, và fought back hard.

Dad went out the room and QN asked mẹ...mẹ ơi ba đi đâu vậy mẹ. He seems concern that dad đi lấy đồ bơm đít. One time QN khóc và nói: ba đi về connecticut đi ba vì không muốn thấy ba bơm đit.

We had to pump 2 tubes, and QN seems to go...without parent notices QN flushed the toilet and tricked mom into thinking that he went...but I mentioned that if QN goes...he should have been proud and showed us...when we asked him to sit down again, then QN lấm lét and that showed he didn't tell the truth. Another indicator is no trace of stool on the could have been a big waste if he indeed dropped it there. QN did sit on the toilet, but didn't want to go...he felt asleep on the toilet...and then felt down on the did scare we stopped making him go. we lost this battle this time.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Celebrate New Year countdown at Ba Nam

We went to our house in Newington to setup with help of anh Danh. Stay at my house until Saturday evening then went to Ba Nam's house to celebrate New Year countdown. Thao cook some curry chicken at my place and brought it along with other food bought from A Dong and 5 stars market.

Weather was a little warmer than usual. We got to nha Ba Nam around 7:30pm. Ba Nam cooked sup mang cua, goi and we had some good time.

QN as usual poop at nha Ba Nam...Ba Nam was tough on him and gave the boy some lessons with a stick to spank if not going to the bathroom...Ba Nam noi toi dau Nam gat dau toi do, and then Ba Nam told him to go to the bathroom cho Ba Nam coi...QN immediately took a walk (riu riu buoc di) without any resistance, trong rat buon cuoi...Qn showed Ba Nam di tieu cau tieu and then ngoi len ban cau de i. We can now use Ba Na Nam to put pressure on him when needed to go to the bathroom to poop.

Stay there and watch countdown on TV and chat around. We left Ba Nam house at 2:30am and came back to Quincy around 3:30am...Happy New Year 2012 :)))