Monday, February 9, 2009

QN turns 16 months today

QN turns 16 months today. QN có thể được nhờ đem tả dơ đi bỏ thùng rác rồi . QN nói được vài chử giống như là thay tả vậy đó On Saturday, QN felt facing down and got a bloody nose. Mom and dad try to stop the bleeding and it got stuck with his bugga and it was moving in and out very funny look. Cu Nam loves to see the commercial thuoc da'n bi`nh minh from SBTN, every time he sees that's on, cu Nam starts to dung nha?y with the commercial. He also looks funny when trying to i. ddo'

Friday, February 6, 2009

QuocNam on tết Kỹ Sửu

QN and ba me. went to bà Năm ăn tết. QN được lì xì a lót of money, and ba mẹ put them in his con heo đất. Everyone gets one dish to the party and mom ordered ba'nh be`o. Everyone had a good time. QN knows how to tease Phu' little puppy named "Maggie". QN chased after Maggie, picking her tail then ran away and laughed.

QN can helps out a little bit. Cu ti' knows how to take the dirty diaper and put in the trash. First time, he threw it new the trash but now it's inside. So QN pha' thi` 10, and help thi` la` mot.

More pics from nha` bác Tuấn mùng hai tết Kỹ Sửu