Sunday, January 10, 2010

New things

Hom nay cho QuocNam coi video clip of chi chi chanh chanh. Cu Nam thich lam, vua mo video len, thay cuoi la keo baba chay vo phong, leo len giuong va chia ngon tay ra de choi chichi chanhchanh :)

QuocNam biet noi duoc vai chu now: uong nuoc cam, dai uot quan roi nghe rat vui tay. Every time daddy sit and work on the laptop, QN chay toi va doi leo len de xem computer.

QN rat thich tam, nghe noi toi tam la chay toi leo len giuong va nam ra de daddy take clothes off.

QN con 1 that xau la thich danh lai. Last time, he hit ba then run to mom and said the reverse: me ba danh :)

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