Tuesday, December 10, 2013

One bad scary moment

A couple days after the Pittsburgh trip, QN was going regularly to the bathroom. On Tuesday, QN was inside the bathroom and he locked the door to ddi i. After a while Dad when and checked and heard nothing. Knocked on door and called for QN but heard nothing. It started to get strange. Even grandpa called and no answer. Dad was so concern, so dad took some knight and tried to pry to door open, but couldn't do it. At last everyone so worry and dad called out the last time, if QN don't open the door, dad would call 911 and police to come and break the door...at this time we heard the door openned and QN stood with the unfinished work in the bathroom. He was scared at last. Dad was so angry about his behavior, but ask QN to finish with the bathroom then come out and hear dad talked to him. After asking and explained to QN what might have happened if police come, QN buon va khoc... Next day, when dad when home, mom told me that QN went to the bathroom with wide open door. Mom told him to close it, but don't lock. He did take this lesson seriously. What a scary moment that was !!!

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